Cheryl MarschkeThe puppies are coming!I’d say it was third times a charm, but it really was the 4th or 5th. There was a small spot on the kitchen floor. Then another. Not to get…Feb 12, 2024Feb 12, 2024
Cheryl MarschkeMy travel article is out in International Living Magazine!From Vermont Farmhouse to Costa Rica Treehouse By Cheryl Potter Marschke courtesy of International LivingMay 7, 2023May 7, 2023
InJungle Tree HousebyCheryl MarschkeThis is the first article I wrote for International Living and now rereading it, I feel as though…A Farm Couple Starts Over at the Beach in Costa RicaFeb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
Cheryl MarschkeWhere would you Rather Live? Vermont or Costa Rica?My newest travel story came out yesterday in the print version of International Living. It is the May issue and they even used some of my…May 17, 2023May 17, 2023
InInternational TravelbyCheryl MarschkeFrom Vermont Farmhouse to Costa Rica Treehouse By Cheryl Potter Marschke courtesy of… 6, 2023Jun 6, 2023